Primary Care - Premier Care Clinic Houston Clinic Mon, 24 Jun 2024 21:55:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Primary Care - Premier Care Clinic 32 32 193527101 The Importance of Regular Check-Ups Mon, 24 Jun 2024 21:55:03 +0000

Annual physicals with a primary care practice are a cornerstone of proactive healthcare, offering numerous benefits that contribute to overall well-being. Here are several reasons why these regular check-ups are essential and why you should book an appointment with PremierCare today!

Early Detection and Prevention

Annual physicals provide an opportunity for early detection of potential health issues. Regular screenings can identify conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and various forms of cancer in their early stages when they are most treatable. Preventive care, including vaccinations and lifestyle counseling, can mitigate risks and promote long-term health. Physical health and mental health are closely interconnected. Annual visits offer an opportunity to screen for mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, which can significantly impact physical health. Early intervention and treatment can improve outcomes and overall quality of life.

Personalized Healthcare

A primary care provider (PCP) develops a comprehensive understanding of a patient’s health history, lifestyle, and unique risk factors. This personalized approach allows the PCP to tailor recommendations and interventions specifically to the individual’s needs, enhancing the effectiveness of care. A continuous relationship with a primary care provider fosters trust and open communication. Patients are more likely to discuss sensitive health issues and adhere to medical advice when they feel comfortable with their provider. This relationship also enables the PCP to provide holistic care, considering both physical and mental health aspects.

Chronic Disease Management and Coordinated care

For patients with chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease, regular visits to a PCP are crucial for effective management. Ongoing monitoring and adjustments to treatment plans help maintain stability and prevent complications, improving quality of life. Primary care practices serve as a central hub for coordinating care among various specialists. If a patient requires specialized treatment, the PCP can facilitate referrals, ensuring that all aspects of the patient’s health are managed cohesively. This coordination reduces the risk of fragmented care and medical errors.


Investing in regular physicals can be cost-effective in the long run. By preventing diseases and managing existing conditions effectively, patients can avoid expensive emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and complicated treatments. Preventive care is often covered by insurance, reducing out-of-pocket expenses.

Health Education and Lifestyle Guidance

During annual physicals, PCPs provide valuable education on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This includes advice on diet, exercise, stress management, and other habits that contribute to overall well-being. Patients can discuss concerns and receive guidance on making informed health decisions.

In summary, annual physicals with a primary care practice are vital for maintaining good health, preventing and managing diseases, and fostering a strong provider-patient relationship. They provide a comprehensive approach to healthcare that emphasizes prevention, personalized care, and coordinated treatment, ultimately contributing to better health outcomes and improved quality of life. Book your appointment with PremierCare today!


The post The Importance of Regular Check-Ups first appeared on Premier Care Clinic.

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The SPF in Sunscreen: Is a Higher SPF Worth the Cost? Fri, 19 Apr 2024 17:23:11 +0000

Sunscreen is a staple in skincare routines worldwide, serving as a vital shield against the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. One of the most talked-about aspects of sunscreen is its Sun Protection Factor (SPF), which indicates the level of protection it offers against UVB rays, the primary cause of sunburn and skin cancer. But is investing in a higher SPF sunscreen really worth the extra cost?

Firstly, let’s understand what SPF actually means. SPF measures how long a sunscreen will protect your skin from UVB rays compared to not wearing any sunscreen at all. For example, if you would typically burn after 10 minutes in the sun without protection, using a sunscreen with SPF 30 theoretically extends that time to 300 minutes (10 minutes multiplied by SPF 30). However, this calculation assumes perfect application and doesn’t account for factors like sweating, swimming, or towel drying, which can reduce sunscreen effectiveness.

Now, back to the question at hand: is a higher SPF worth it? The answer depends on various factors, including your skin type, sun exposure habits, and personal preferences.

For those with fair or sensitive skin, a higher SPF sunscreen may offer additional protection against sunburn and skin damage. Dermatologists often recommend SPF 30 or higher for such individuals, especially if they spend extended periods in the sun or have a history of skin cancer.

However, it’s essential to note that the increase in protection isn’t linear. While SPF 30 filters out about 97% of UVB rays, SPF 50 filters out roughly 98%, and SPF 100 filters out around 99%. The difference in protection between SPF 50 and SPF 100 is minimal, leading some experts to question whether the higher cost justifies the marginal increase in effectiveness.

Moreover, higher SPF sunscreens tend to be thicker and may feel greasier on the skin, which could discourage people from applying an adequate amount. Proper application, rather than just relying on a high SPF, is crucial for effective sun protection.

Another consideration is cost. Higher SPF sunscreens often come with a higher price tag. While some may argue that the added protection justifies the expense, others may opt for a lower SPF sunscreen and compensate by reapplying it more frequently.

In conclusion, the SPF in sunscreen plays a significant role in protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. For individuals with fair or sensitive skin or those with a high sun exposure, investing in a higher SPF sunscreen may provide added peace of mind. However, it’s essential to remember that proper application and reapplication are key regardless of SPF level. Ultimately, whether a higher SPF sunscreen is worth the cost depends on individual preferences, skin type, and budgetary considerations.


The post The SPF in Sunscreen: Is a Higher SPF Worth the Cost? first appeared on Premier Care Clinic.

Home Remedies for the Cold Sat, 17 Feb 2024 18:06:09 +0000

The common cold, with its array of uncomfortable symptoms, often prompts individuals to seek
relief beyond conventional medications. These remedies often focus on boosting the immune
system, soothing irritated throat, and alleviating congestion. Here are some effective home
remedies to help you combat the common cold.

1. Hydration is Key: Staying well-hydrated is crucial when dealing with a cold.
Drinking plenty of fluids helps to keep your throat moist, soothes irritation, and
ensures your body has the necessary resources to fight off the virus. Opt for
warm beverages like herbal teas, broths, and water with lemon to provide
comfort and hydration.

2. Steam Therapy: Inhaling steam is an age-old remedy for congestion and nasal
discomfort. You can take a hot shower or inhale steam over a bowl of hot water
by draping a towel over your head. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil can
enhance the therapeutic effects, helping to clear nasal passages and ease

3. Honey and Lemon: A classic combination, honey, and lemon can provide relief
for a sore throat and cough. Mix a tablespoon of honey with a squeeze of fresh
lemon juice in warm water or herbal tea. Honey's soothing properties can help
coat the throat, while lemon provides a dose of vitamin C and antioxidants.

4. Ginger Tea: Ginger is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting
properties. Prepare a cup of ginger tea by steeping fresh ginger slices in hot
water. You can add honey and lemon for added flavor and benefits. Ginger tea
can help alleviate throat irritation and reduce congestion.

5. Nasal Saline Rinse: Using a saline solution to rinse your nasal passages can
help alleviate congestion and reduce the duration of cold symptoms. You can
purchase a saline nasal spray or make your own by mixing a teaspoon of salt in
warm water. Gently irrigate your nasal passages using a bulb syringe or a Neti

6. Rest and Sleep: One of the most underrated remedies for a cold is getting
adequate rest and sleep. Your body needs energy to fight off the virus, and
quality sleep supports the immune system. Make sure to prioritize rest, take naps
if needed, and allow your body the time it requires to heal.

7. Chicken Soup: The age-old remedy of chicken soup for a cold has scientific
backing. Warm chicken soup can help soothe a sore throat, provide hydration,
and reduce nasal congestion. The combination of fluids, nutrients, and warmth
makes it a comforting choice during a cold.

Combining these natural remedies with a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and
regular exercise, can contribute to overall well-being and immune system strength.
While these home remedies may help alleviate cold symptoms, it’s essential to listen to
your body. If symptoms persist or worsen, PremierCare providers are here to help.

The post Home Remedies for the Cold first appeared on Premier Care Clinic.

How Your Provider Can Help with Your New Year’s Resolutions Mon, 08 Jan 2024 23:51:09 +0000

As the New Year begins, many of us embark on a journey of self-improvement through resolutions. Whether it’s aiming for a healthier lifestyle, managing stress, or prioritizing mental well-being, these goals often require support and guidance. Surprisingly, your primary care provider can play a pivotal role in helping you achieve and sustain your New Year’s resolutions.

Your primary care provider isn’t just there for annual check-ups or when you’re feeling under the weather. They can be a valuable resource in your pursuit of a healthier and happier you. Here’s how your provider can assist in fulfilling your New Year’s aspirations:

  1. Setting Realistic Goals: When you discuss your resolutions with your provider, they can help you set achievable and realistic goals. They can provide insight into what is healthy and sustainable for your specific health conditions, age, and lifestyle.
  2. Health Assessments: A comprehensive health evaluation by your primary care provider can identify areas that need attention. Through measurements like blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and BMI, they can pinpoint potential health risks and provide guidance on addressing them.
  3. Personalized Guidance: Primary care providers can offer personalized advice tailored to your unique health profile. Whether it’s recommending dietary changes, exercise routines, stress management techniques, or even connecting you with specialists or resources, their expertise can steer you in the right direction.
  4. Monitoring Progress: Regular check-ins with your provider allow for progress evaluation. They can track your advancements, address setbacks, and make necessary adjustments to your plan, keeping you motivated and accountable.
  5. Preventive Care: Your primary care provider can emphasize preventive care measures that align with your resolutions. They can discuss vaccinations, screenings, and lifestyle changes that can significantly impact your overall health and well-being.
  6. Addressing Mental Health: Mental health is an integral part of overall wellness. Your provider can offer support and guidance, refer you to mental health professionals, or recommend techniques to manage stress, anxiety, or depression.
  7. Supporting Long-Term Success: Establishing habits that last beyond January requires ongoing support. Your provider can provide ongoing encouragement, resources, and strategies for maintaining your progress throughout the year.

Remember, open communication is key. Be honest and forthcoming with your provider about your goals, challenges, and any barriers you face. The partnership between you and your primary care provider can significantly enhance your chances of successfully achieving your New Year’s resolutions.

In conclusion, your primary care provider is not just a medical professional but a valuable ally in your pursuit of a healthier lifestyle and personal growth. By collaborating with them, you can receive expert guidance, support, and personalized care to turn your New Year’s resolutions into long-term, positive changes for your health and well-being. Make your appointment with a PremierCare primary care provider today!

The post How Your Provider Can Help with Your New Year’s Resolutions first appeared on Premier Care Clinic.

7 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays – Without Being Rude to the Cook Fri, 15 Dec 2023 22:43:21 +0000

Staying healthy during the holidays is one of the biggest challenges of the season. There are plenty of excuses to overindulge, traditions based on eating and drinking, and of course, the urge to be a good guest and enjoy what’s being offered. There are ways to be healthier though, without being rude to the cook or host, and without sacrificing all your favorite holiday activities.

Utilize the following 7 tips for healthy holiday eating and survival from a leading Houston primary care physician who’s familiar with helping their patients navigate this difficult period for health and wellness.

  1. Bring a Healthy Choice: When each person is responsible for bringing a dish to serve to a holiday event, you have some control. Bring a healthy choice based on a personal favorite ingredient or recipe, and when in doubt, rest easy knowing at least one menu item will be light and nutritious.
  2. Don’t Hover Near the Snacks: Standing and chatting near the snacks is a common reason so many people overindulge. Instead of hovering, take a few choice items on a plate, and then go sit down with them.
  3. Consider Your Options Before Starting: Before loading up that plate, be sure to survey all of the available options. This will allow you to see which choices are the true must-haves, and which could actually be passed up on if only there weren’t already three on the plate. Look at the entire buffet or snack setup before making any decisions.
  4. Eat Thoughtfully: Enjoy the meal and the food. Savor the flavors, chew slowly, and take time in between bites. This will not only increase appreciation of the food, but also will slow down overall eating, and help the body to catch up and feel fuller instead of aimlessly overeating.
  5. Pick a Dessert: It would be rude to not have any dessert, right? Chances are, most people won’t be able to stop from having at least one anyway. So pick the absolute favorite, and save a few bites of space for it. Skip the rest.
  6. Don’t Starve Yourself Before or After: Some people try to make amends for holiday overeating by eating excessively little in the days before or after and event. This actually shuts down your body’s metabolism, while also making it more likely to overeat and gorge due to being overly hungry. Make healthy choices and be moderate, but don’t go into starvation mode.
  7. Beware The Beverages: Eggnog is just as bad for a person’s health as it seems. While that one is obvious, other less obvious choices such as hot chocolate or apple cider, or even just glass after glass of wine, come with a big dose of calories. Limit your alcoholic beverage intake, and consider a few glasses of water for a healthier holiday.

PremierCare has several locations in and around Houston, making them a convenient choice as a local family doctor in communities such as Katy, Sugarland, El Campo, Rosenberg, Richmond, Wharton, Needville, Pasadena and Guy. With extended hours, they’re also a go-to destination for Houston urgent care. Call 713.777.3131 (Braeswood) or 281.633.0148 (Richmond/Rosenberg).

Photo Credit: cookiecuckoo via Compfight cc

The post 7 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays – Without Being Rude to the Cook first appeared on Premier Care Clinic.

How Important is Blood Pressure Monitoring? Sun, 03 Dec 2023 04:42:46 +0000

Monitoring blood pressure is a crucial aspect of maintaining overall health and well-being. It’s a simple yet vital procedure that provides valuable insights into the functioning of our cardiovascular system. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, often dubbed the “silent killer,” can go unnoticed for years without presenting noticeable symptoms. However, its consequences can be severe if left unchecked, making regular blood pressure checks essential.

The importance of checking blood pressure lies in its role as a primary indicator of heart health. Blood pressure readings consist of two numbers: systolic pressure (the force when the heart beats) and diastolic pressure (the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats). The measurement is typically recorded as systolic over diastolic, for instance, 120/80 mmHg.

Here are compelling reasons why regular blood pressure monitoring is vital:

  1. Early Detection of Hypertension: High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues. Regular checks help identify elevated blood pressure early, allowing for timely intervention and lifestyle modifications to manage it effectively.
  2. Prevention of Complications: Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to severe complications such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, and even vision loss. Monitoring blood pressure helps in preventing these potentially life-threatening conditions.
  3. Risk Assessment: Blood pressure checks assist healthcare providers in assessing an individual’s overall risk for cardiovascular disease. By monitoring trends in blood pressure readings over time, doctors can better predict and manage potential risks.
  4. Lifestyle Modifications: Knowledge of one’s blood pressure status can motivate individuals to make positive lifestyle changes. This includes adopting a healthier diet, engaging in regular physical activity, reducing stress, limiting alcohol intake, and quitting smoking, all of which contribute to maintaining optimal blood pressure levels.
  5. Medication Management: For those diagnosed with hypertension, regular blood pressure monitoring is essential to ensure that prescribed medications are effectively controlling blood pressure within the target range. Adjustments in medication can be made if necessary to achieve better control.
  6. Track Health Progress: Individuals with hypertension or those at risk can track the effectiveness of their lifestyle changes or medications through periodic blood pressure measurements. It provides a tangible metric to gauge progress and adjust strategies accordingly.
  7. Overall Health Awareness: Routine blood pressure checks can serve as a gateway to overall health awareness. It encourages individuals to engage more actively in preventive healthcare measures and to seek professional advice if any abnormalities are detected.

In conclusion, monitoring blood pressure is a cornerstone of preventive healthcare. Regular checks empower individuals to take charge of their well-being, allowing for early detection, effective management, and the potential prevention of serious health complications associated with hypertension. If you haven’t had a physical this year, contact PremierCare to schedule it today so your blood pressure can be checked as a vital component of a proactive approach to maintaining good health.

The post How Important is Blood Pressure Monitoring? first appeared on Premier Care Clinic.

7 Signs of Low Testosterone Mon, 09 Oct 2023 22:36:54 +0000

Low testosterone, or low T, afflicts more than 10 million adult men in the United States. Yet, due to a perceived stigma surrounding this condition, many men never go to the doctor to get treated, and instead simply struggle with the symptoms. However, by learning more about the warning signs involved, and how they’re related to a legitimate condition and not merely a personal fault, men will hopefully be motivated to seek the assistance they need to improve their health and wellness.


Utilize the following tips and warning signs of low testosterone to learn more, and from there, consider scheduling an appointment with a local primary medical care office to be examined.

  1. Low Sex Drive: Perhaps it’s easy to write off as “just getting older”; a significant or dramatic decrease in sex drive can actually be due to solvable low testosterone. This is typically the number one warning sign and for many men, the easiest to spot. A low sex drive could even become no sex drive.
  2. ED: Difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection is often directly related to low T. This may also make it more difficult to achieve orgasm.
  3. Body Composition: Low T can change a person’s body composition, causing muscle mass to decrease, while also leading to more body fat to be stored. Testosterone plays a key role in the building and maintenance of muscle mass, and a shortage of the hormone could derail even a dedicated fitness enthusiast.
  4. Depression: Mood changes are a common warning sign of low T. Beyond depression, fatigue, or a general malaise; additional changes could include irritability and difficulty focusing. Ask a partner for honest feedback on recent moods to see if there’s any correlation.
  5. “Shrinkage”: A decrease in the size of either the penis or testicles could be a warning sign of low testosterone.
  6. Bone Fractures/Injuries: Low testosterone can decrease and weaken bone mass. This could lead to an increase in injuries and bone fractures from incidents which would or should have been a routine bump or bruise.
  7. Body Hair Loss: Balding may not be attributable to low T, as it’s a general symptom of aging in many men. However, the loss of body or facial hair may signify low testosterone.

Keep a close eye on yourself and feel safe and secure in seeking advice. As with all health related concerns, it is always easier to treat a condition when it is noticed earlier.

PremierCare proudly serves the greater Houston area as a local family medical center. In addition to treating individuals of all ages and backgrounds as a family doctor, PremierCare specializes in men’s health, including the treatment of low testosterone.


With multiple area locations, they’re conveniently accessible for residents of Houston suburbs such as Katy, Rosenberg, Richmond, Sugarland, El Campo, Wharton, Needville, Pasadena, Guy, and the entire surrounding region. Call 713.777.3131 (Braeswood) or 281.633.0148 (Richmond/Rosenberg) to schedule an appointment.


Photo Credit: All Points Public Relations via Compfight cc

The post 7 Signs of Low Testosterone first appeared on Premier Care Clinic.

Are You As Healthy As You Think? Sun, 24 Sep 2023 20:36:35 +0000

Are You As Healthy as You Think?

For many adults, it’s easy to ignore warning signs of illness. Common symptoms and signs may be simply written off as wear and tear, or the daily grind of juggling work, family, and other responsibilities. That’s why so many adults are taken off guard when they end up severely ill.

It’s crucial to stay in touch with your body and to pay attention to early warning signs. Use the following tips from a Houston family doctor to notice and prevent potential illnesses before they get worse.

  • Fatigue and Sleep: Today, it seems like no one gets enough sleep, so it’s easy to ignore changes in sleeping patterns, but not getting enough sleep can potentially be a symptom of another problem It could also exasperate another issue and make it far worse. Pay attention to physical and mental fatigue, and sleeping patterns, and prioritize getting enough nightly shuteye.
  • Not Everything is Random: Many people will ignore a bad headache and chalk it up to a random event. Or when it happens again, or another symptom kicks in, they may consider it a coincidence. The fact is, most of the time repeated issues with something such as headaches, a cough, a sore throat, or ongoing bad heartburn aren’t random at all.
  • Physical Pain & Body Chains: Sometimes a physical pain is ignored or written off, but it’s actually only one link, down a long chain, from a larger problem. A bad back turns into a bad leg or hip, and is ignored, or only the symptom is treated and not the cause. Chronic pains or aches have to be explored and fully understood in order to be solved, and shouldn’t be ignored.
  • Mental Cues: Sometimes people can trick their bodies into feeling sick, by believing or saying they are. Ever tell a white lie as a kid to get out of school for the day, only to end up truly feeling sick? It can work the other way around too, tricking the body to feel better than it is. In this case though, an illness could become worse when left untreated. It’s important to be aware of how your mind can affect physical feelings of sickness or healthiness.
  • The Common Cold: Stuck with another cold? Well, there’s nothing to do but grin and bear it, and stock up on tissues, right? Not necessarily. People who are prone to catching colds may have an underlying illness compromising their immune system, or could take other preventative action with their lifestyles to improve their all-around health and wellness.
  • The Thermometer Isn’t Everything: Many people give themselves a one and done check when they’re concerned with being sick — they check their temperature. If they’re normal here, then they ignore everything else and carry on. But the thermometer isn’t everything, and even with a regular body temperature, there could be numerous other symptoms and signs of sickness which shouldn’t be overlooked.

PremierCare provides primary medical care services throughout Houston, including the surrounding areas of Sugarland, Rosenberg, Richmond, Katy, El Campo, Guy, Pasadena, Wharton and Needville. With several locations, they’re a convenient and trusted Houston family medical center. Call 713.777.3131 (Braeswood) or 281.633.0148 (Richmond) to schedule an appointment.

Photo Credit: JaymeeLS via Compfight cc

The post Are You As Healthy As You Think? first appeared on Premier Care Clinic.

Keeping your Kids Healthy at School Wed, 02 Aug 2023 22:46:02 +0000

It can be difficult to keep kids healthy throughout the year. In the midst of cold and flu season, it gets that much more challenging keeping your kids healthy at school.

Instead of always playing catch-up with yet another visit to the children’s primary care office, get ahead of things and utilize the following tips and ideas to help keep your kids healthier from the start.

  • Hygiene Habits: Instilling the correct hygiene habits will make a world of difference. Educate your kids about needing to wash their hands after going to the bathroom, as well as before eating anything. Help them to get into the habit of covering their mouths when they sneeze or cough. Additionally, teach them to avoid rubbing their eyes or otherwise touching their face. All of this can help them to stay healthy, along with helping the other children in class, too. Consider providing your kids with hand sanitizer to carry around in their backpack during the day as well.
  • Keep Them Home: Along the same lines, something all parents need to practice is actually keeping the kids home when they’re sick. If no parents sent their contagious, sick children to school, it’d be much more difficult for everyone else to get sick, wouldn’t it?
  • Stop Sharing: Young kids are taught they should share everything, right? Well, in certain instances, sharing isn’t always the best advice. For instance, lice spread when kids try on each other’s hats, coats or scarves. Sharing a soda, juice or snack can lead to developing a cold, or worse, strep throat. Sometimes it’s best not to share.
  • Rest & Nutrition: Keeping kids healthy means giving their bodies and immune systems the best fighting chance. This is accomplished by ensuring they get enough sleep at home, and helping them to eat right and get the nutrients they need in the form of vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Flu Shots: The bottom line is that flu shots are by far the most effective way to prevent anyone from catching the flu, especially children who are in a contagious environment like school. Visit your family doctor, and get everyone shots this season. Get in the habit of always doing it, and remember that prevention is the best medicine.

The staff at Holmsten Clinics helps individuals and families throughout the community with children’s primary care, and Houston urgent care. As a leading family doctor with two local offices, we are convenient to everyone across the surrounding region, including Katy, Rosenberg, Richmond, Sugarland, El Campo, Wharton, Needville, Pasadena and Guy. Visit for more information, or schedule an appointment by calling 713.777.3131 (Braeswood) or 281.633.0148 (Richmond/Rosenberg)

Photo Credit: Sergiy Matusevych via Compfight cc

The post Keeping your Kids Healthy at School first appeared on Premier Care Clinic.
